seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

a not-so-dramatic-return to blogging.

Apr 12


sorry i have been a slacker...
my first entry in about a yr and a half...
even my earnings of RM0.01 a week frm nuffnang's advertisement is a ripoff frm my part...

so to mark my return to blogging...
a page filled with updates like how i'm in full time employment and ms. single and available no more was planned out .


I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out the url which was blogger.com... duh!

and then another 20 minutes and numerous failed attempts of figuring my own username and password...

me shoo tired me shoo sleepy now...
me think the yummy updates can wait for now...
but until then this still COUNTS as a RETURN to blogging ENTRY... :)

gotta get rid of the holiday weight...

Sep 19

too much sinful food during the holidays.... me think!

i did put on a little weight on the thigh area during the holidays...

maybe not something to be smiling about...
i did put on a lot of weight on the thigh area....
ok fine... A LOT!

welll.... dun fret... dun fret
nothing to be alarmed about...
at least i'm 'proportionate'...

the calf is extending too :)


not so proportionate is the difference between the left leg from the right...
u know i haf no idea why for some reason alll the nutrients seem to be focusing on one leg and not the other!!!!!!

yeah u'r bloody damn right i did a miracle by doing this balancing act!
takes me hours to get myself up in this position and pose....


i'm not the only one...
me new housemate ISLA is putting on the extra kilos too...
and in incredible speed too...
trust me... watch the vid below!

isla doing her happy dance....

dun think moving into a flat together is a good idea now...
we're getting fat together...

warning: video below contains disturbing images of a fat belly...

pretty alarming for two size(d) 8 people...

me think we're a size 18 now... :(


Sep 16

my holiday's ending... and i'm starting school on monday.
obviously not as confident as i was few months ago... the holiday has slowed the brain down and i think my IQ has dropped a good ten points since...

holiday was well spent with children age 12 and below...
probably the mentality that suits me to some of you...

but it's pretty disturbing when:-

i) i find myself enjoying a good bowl of coco rocks for breakfast while watching two episodes of Phineas and Ferb back to back

ii) i can distinguish the differences between bakugans, gormitis and gogos...

iii) i said yesss to aliens in the attic one saturday and actuallly found it quite errrr entertaining....

iv) i actually laughed out loud in the cinema... much louder than the 6 kids i went to watch the movie with...

I'm in such a sorry state that i'm convinced the ppl in BPP (my new college) would find it hard to believe that i'm actually a first class honours student...

life choices are different now...
I did choose to spend time excavating a mini replica of a t-rex skeleton from a plaster block for young padraig phillips instead of revising for an online test due 2nd week of september...

it's reallllly funnnn.... so fun that i was a tad bit disappointed when melina aka padraig's mum called me yesterday telling me that i should be happy to hear that my 'job' of excavating the dinosaur was completed by eoghan aka her 11 year old son...

it was never a job..... it did give me hours of fun imagining that i was a palaeontologist to be honest...
I was actually looking forward to assembling the pieces i dug out from the plaster block in October when i return to Newcastle....


anyho... life as an ADULT student starts again...
and to some who needs updating... i'm currently in Leeds... for at least 9 months...

the short hiatus

Aug 31

do excuse my lack of updates...


i'm still on a high...

a lot has happened in the past one month since i last updated...

like obtaining a first in my law degree and then being the recipient of an award that 2 months ago i could only drool upon!

i swear to g*d i did not pay the dean or sleep with any of my lecturers to get this...

and then I turned 24...

picture above taken on actual birthday showing that age has prolly caught up
the usual birthday glow was substituted with complete haggardness and maggoty pale skin
the in-denial self is blaming it on theresa though...
mental note to oneself: should not take pictures next to theresa chin so as to look more outstanding in future...

thank you theresa for celebrating me bday wif moi...
although you managed to steal the limelight from me on me special day!!!!!

am now just a year shy from hitting the quarter life crisis...

unfortunately not much wiser....

and lastly...
am somewhat honoured to be featured in the local newspapers back home...

pic courtesy of sammy poh!

pretty shocking that i was also featured in Sin Chew Jit Poh (?!?!)
yes, i do not know the proper spelling of the newspaper because i'm a banana who could only read 3 characters out of the entire article (my name included)

not so honoured is how my picture's colour resolution came out totally off from its original copy.
i suppose that sin chew jit poh prolly thought it was more marketable that an
ah lian was featured by giving me a super LALA hair colour to go with the already chinky face!

ooo... SEPTEMBER's here...
and i promise 2 update as much as often now...
*puts on innocent grin*

12pm UK time

Jul 02

it's killing me...
i'm nervous... i'm anxious... i'm scared...
the tummy becomes voluntarily unsettled at the thought of the release
as though flaming liquid shit is gonna piss outta me asshole every 5 minutes...

and that.... i have to bear for another 7 hours..... argh!
pray dat i do welll.... PLS....

it's 1.35pm UK time now...
n i'm over the moon...
thank u GOD 4 ur blessings.... and thank u close frens n relatives 4 ur kind words n prayers....
i am proud of myself too


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