seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

am gonna watch butt play

Feb 26

an early surprise came in the post beginning of this week...
my precious precious football ticket to the Newcastle United v Manchester United match...

can u tell am super excited....

however... am sitting next to the fans of michael owen, nicky butt and damien duff...
u all must b questioning my act of betrayal...
well... it was much easier purchasing tickets supporting NU since i'm in newcastle... dat's all!
i mean i still haf dreams about ryan giggs n i okay....

no worries... i am aware of the fanatic NU fans...
therefore... i've been practicing...
my YES.... is now a NO!!!
and my usual high pitch GOALLLLLL has been substituted wif a low pitch disappointed OFFSIDE!!!!
n if dat doesnt help... am off 2 poundworld to buy me sum duct tape...
fish lips need to be sealed...

0 gaps filled:


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