seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

things you do when you're bored

Mar 07

location: angel of north, newcastle
photographer: proyap
volunteers: phyllis & isla

5 gaps filled:

CreativeBitchin said...


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...u sure r bored. bt d pics quality's so good. wad camera?? cant believe u're comin bac yay!!


phyl said...

iwene: of all the things to comment ... u gaf me dots... JUST DOTS...

shell: it's my cousin's cam... so am nt sure wad brand... so pic i had to photo edit the colour oso la.... bt d last few pics r in its original colour... ;)
yeah cant believe i'm goin bac 2.... remember d red carpet yeah ;)

CreativeBitchin said...

reminded me too much of kungfu hustler LOL.

didn't expect you to be so eng to edit a silly story outta all the pictures lah horr.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Pretty dramatic scenes there. Any winner in the end?:P


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