seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

your project of turning me into a ball backfired

May 24

it's exam month again...
hence the lack of update...
but in 3 weeks time i'll be home....

at the moment... dun worry...
i'll haf plenty of sleep
i'll go out for strolls for the de-stress
and i'll eat healthy!

i even got me a spanish chef to cook my 3 meals and care for my legendary binges...
and as if that isnt enuff...
he'll do the cleaning up after that too...

reason for being oh so kind...
his early projects of turning me into a ball
and with only less than a week b4 he heads back to spain...
he'll seize every last opportunity....

3 gaps filled:

aaronparan said...

ooh i want me a hot foreign chef when i get there :D heh!

phyl said...

u'll prolly get one who will do more than cook for you *wink*

ahlost said...

*LOL* at your reply to aaron :D


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