seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

Université Part 3: packing's a bitch!

Aug 30

so that's my new place starting september 16th!
am i excited? yeah
am i worried? uhuh
am i scared? VERY!

and it doesnt help that packing has been a bitch! a hard core no nonsense bitch who shud b a NO NO in our society today!

mayb, it could be the indecisive nature of us WOMEN... i mean i would pack the bathroom sink if i could!!!!

dont look at me that way!
doesnt mean that i'm a woman and therefore i'm pre-programmed to know how to deal with this shit!

it's wrong putting me in such a position where i haf to pick and choose which bag to bring, which pair of shoes is good or bad for the COLD BRIT WEATHER!
and clothes.... argh! it's fucking hard packing for a four seasons destination!

omg mum just caught me packing...
n was appalled with the idea that i'm trying to stuff 5 pairs of shoes, 7 pairs of jeans and uncountable tees... sweaters and pullovers not counted yet....

mum shook her head, doubtful that i can stuff all those in and still managed to throw a pinch of sarcasm on her way out...
"you're not going there for a beauty contest... you're there to study!!!!"

i'll show her!!!!

ahhhh... manage to shut the damn suitcase close!
(after much effort though... *wipes sweat off*)
i swear packing is a form of exercise, i havent sweat dat much in my life.

mum jus came in and saw the suitcase...
she's amazed... her daughter just pulled a houdini!

alright.... on to the next bag!

6 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

the map picture reminds me of the sims lol. looks fun!

phyl said...

hahaha... sims, used to love playing dat game. made me feel lk i'm playing god...

Anonymous said...

Your pad better. Nearer to campus :D

Why Nurulle's so far away?

phyl said...

yeahh... bt nurul's pretty near d gym n library...

we were both given our first choice actually... so i guess nurul chose 2 stay dat far away... wic isnt very far... 10 mins walk?!?!?!

my accommodation was her 4th choice...

MissYap said...

ahem...did you say **5 pairs of shoes, 7 pairs of jeans and uncountable tees... sweaters and pullovers not counted yet....**??

haha...reminding you that this cold brit weather allows you to wear the same clothing and not smell for much longer period of time than M'sia. The benefit to that? No need pay too much laundry...:D

phyl said...

problem is i've been repacking uncountable times after posting dis entry...

so it isnt 5 pairs of shoes, 7 pairs of jeans and uncountable tees... sweaters and pullovers not counted yet... ANYMO! heh


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