seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

there's a reason why God created sound proof

Jul 06

there are two ways in which sound can be reduced: noise reduction or noise absorption. you can go on wiki to see the differences which i dun really care because i feel alll hotels need both... SERIOUSLY!

my previous trip to kl wouldnt have been such a disaster if only three peaceful nights of sleep would be guaranteed. i mean, dad made me walked... A LOT in 2 n a 1/2 inch heels and by the time i reached back, alll i could wish for is uninterrupted sleep. even that was impossible thanks to the ultra thin walls that separated our room from the others. i shall leave the name of the hotel out because i dun wan trouble... bt i would certainly nt keep the xperience a secret.

dad n i arrived kl around 11.15pm and it was wayyyy past midnight by the time we got to our hotel. we were given a room on the 11th floor.... room 1130. dead tired, i practically forced myself to do my daily routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face before bed. by the time i was comfortably cuddled up in bed and dad had turned the lights off, it was about 1.30 in the morning. i closed my eyes and started thinking about the visa appointment i was about to attend in 8 hrs time when suddenly i felt the wall bangin onto my bed.

'dat is a little too light 4 an earthquake', i thought... so i pressed my ears against my bed hoping to hear sumthing... i heard the bed squeaking... bt it wasnt my bed! then i heard moans... awfully loud moans... and the banging sound gt louder... so did the squeaking sound of the bed's springs... and the banging on the wall....

'OMG'...some1 is trying to flush out his demon seeds....

i looked to my left and dad was fast asleep... i knew because he was already snoring...
my fucking neighbours were fucking...
i buried my head under my pillows and barely slept through the sounds of snores and the moans of pleasure...

the next night... i decided that i would sleep early... jus so u know i would be fast asleep when my neighbour decides to get the groove on again...
apparently, frm the sound of it... it seemd lk i had a new neighbour... nt dat i was eavesdropping... the hotel was basically nt sound proof... u can hear every single conversation w/o even tryin 2 listen.
room 1131 was not occupied by a couple... but a MAN. one man... satu... numero UNO.
hope housecleaning changed the sheets!

i was kinda jumping 4 joy inside bcuz who is the man gonna talk to o fuck with right... bt than i totally ignored the 'canggih-ness' of telecommunications...
because MR. 1131 was on his handphone from 10pm to 12.30am talking and laughing like there's no tomorrow. how did i know he was on his cell? it was a one way talk... i heard questions bt no answers... i heard laughters coming out from only 1 voice... he was on the bloody phone... damnit
every single word so clear... i swear i would have known what his conversation was about if only i paid attention to it... bt i was tryin soooo hard to sleeeeepppppp!!!!!!!!!!!! wic i managed to eventually.

on my last night... things gt a lil bit better... and that could only mean 1 thing... that room 1131 was vacant.
we were back early that night because we had to pack for the journey home the next day. it was about 9pm when i heard running sounds from the corridor... KIDS...
what was irritating was that the parents did nt attend to them... and you could hear kids running up and down the hallway and banging on the doors... thank goodness the madness only lasted a while... cuz i believed it was bed time for those lil devils...

i slept well that night... FINALLLY!

bt i woke up at 7 in the morning the next day thanks to the same running sounds, the same laughters and the same sound of the doors being banged. and the doors did not jus bang once... three effing times every 5 mins. even that woke my dad up n boy was i boiling inside... i've nvr been so sleep deprived o frustrated evr in my 22 yrs of life....

funny thing was... a week after our stay, dad received an email from the hotel asking us to leave comments about the hotel... and dad wrote:

'bad service.... not sound proof!'

great dad... that came from some1 who actually snored throughout those three effing nights!

10 gaps filled:

CreativeBitchin said...

HAHAHAHAHAH i LOVE those cute little diagrams you included to illustrate your post.

anyway you could've been a bit ah beng and banged on the wall whilst shouting at your neighbours to pipe it down you know. might have worked, who knows?

at least you know that they'd definitely hear you banging on the wall and shouting very clearly =P

phyl said...

heh. those cute lil diagrams took me a whole good hr 2 finish....

welll i did bang on d wall... softly... guess nt ah beng enuff... bt i was tempted 2 call d room service and ask dem 2 call d lovers to lower their volume down...

emmanuel said...

hahahahahahhahaha...sweet!(in a sarcastic way).lol.. maybe ur dad heard abit of wat u heard...wat did u use to make the drawings?

phyl said...

yeah... dad heard it... i woke up d nex day to see him checkin the walls... he was lk, the wall's concrete and nt wood yet we can hear evrything so clearly! LOL

s 4 d drawings... i used photoshop...

Anonymous said...

i like ur pictures too with 'em very verbal descriptions. moans MOANS moans bang BANG bang Bang LOoOOooL ahahahaha cuSs CusSs wtf. cuteness.

Anonymous said...

*ROFLMAO* studying the diagrams ... Maybe you should knock on the wall to give them signal to lower down the volume *LOL*

emmanuel said...

hahahahahha..wat was ur facial expression wen ur dad sed dat?...y does everyone knw how to use photoshop but me?! i feel sad.

Trinity said...

I came from Samantha.. hehehahaha... I love your diagrams! hehehehehaha

you know what... I think your dad was pretending to snore.. hahahaha... he heard that moans as well! hahhaha

phyl said...

sam: i was tempted 2 draw stick people to illustrate my point tooo bt my PS skills nt up 2 dat standard

ahlost: i did knock... softly... u noe... i paiseh oso...

emmanuel: heh my dad is d kind who is pretty expressionless to be honest... so he lookd 8 me lk how he wud haf lookd if he won d lottery... PS is pretty easy actually... gt a fren 2 teach u...

trinity: hi... u came frm sam's... i tink mo den half of my readers 2day came frm sam's too... hahahaha...
yeah dad was der wif me listenning to the love making session n boy was it uncomfortable - kinda lk watching porn wif ur dad, audio's workin fine jus not the video.
dad jus cudnt b bothered wif all the sounds n decided dat his beauty sleep was mo important

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