seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

waking up before the sun

Jun 22

i woke up before the sun did today,
dreams had to be sacrificed and placed aside,
i put on my best dress and glitters on my eyes,
and welcome the new day...
with cold sand on my feet, morning dew on the tip of my nose,
and a smile plastered on my face longer than usual.

flick, flick, flick,
was all i could hear,
the sound of the waves were minimal,
flick, flick, flick,
the cameras went...
capturing the angles, the poses and every serene moment.

so this is how a photoshoot is conducted,
pictures for the memories of eight individuals,
pictures for the portfolio of two photographers...
so this is how a photoshoot feels like,
a bittersweet experience,
mixed with all the excitement wrapped up with fatigue.

who ever said modelling was easy,
i'm tired from all the jumping, the running, the posing and giving the extra smiles,
but as i sit here... weak with sand all over my face, body and in my mouth,
i'm left to wait anxiously for the outcome of the shoot,
and soon the gradual realization of how fun everything was, sunk in...
and like a hungry stomach, it left me waiting more.

but... i'll be waking up in another city tomorrow,
a purple top and skinny jeans packed for the interview,
with no glitters in my eyes, no sand on my feet,
just the same smile plastered on my face.
no more soothing sounds of the cameras flicking,
but just stern voices questioning my validity and existence.

6 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

click click click

Anonymous said...

my tan is as bad as yours... but i love your bunch of frens.

Anonymous said...

i put up the photo of u in the car. will upload bubble's video tomorrow or lol just not this hour.

Anonymous said...

Harror.. :) Pop in to see if there's any photos from the outing yesterday :)

phyl said...

edwin: pose pose pose?!?!?!

shenhan: hahhaa... u haf a TAN!!!!!!!! my bunch of frens loved u guys too...

sam: wad pic of me in d car?!?!?! *opens doingitbecauseican to check*

ahlost: hi thx 4 poppin by bt come back again dis weekend... hehe... i jus gt bac frm kl so no pics yet... will hopefully receive d pics 2molo

Anonymous said...

see u at lunch time! tell me bout kl k?


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