seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

moment of serenity

Jun 28

there are a lot of plannings involved in order to make a photoshoot great. And when the shoot consists of eight people, the task is two times more daunting than any normal photoshoot.

yes without a doubt, there will be more people helping out with hair and make-up

but shooting a group of 8 isnt easy, especially when you are presented with 8 different and independent minds, 8 different personalities and 8 different height and sizes!

challenging as it seems, that is something great photographers are willing to take.
Allow me to introduce two wonderfully gifted artists...
even holding their heavy camera was already a challenge for me.
photographer in red: Edwin
photographer in grey: Shen

and allow me to introduce you to their work...



both obviously so different in style but that is what makes their partnership so great.

edwin is wonderfully talented in capturing moments...
so unexpected yet amazingly breathtaking, every picture seems to have a life of its own.

shen is best at capturing different angles...
blessed with an extraordinary capability to find your best angles, shen isnt afraid to help you flaunt it.
so what makes a picture great basically?
a picture is great when it has a story to tell...
we named the picture above, the dilemma. it is never fair to put one in a position where he has to choose between friendship and love.

a picture is breathtaking when it is able to showcase all the possible emotions and in the picture above, as sam looks into the horizon, i see vulnerability and uncertainties.

pictures are memories as it documents one's winning moment

and one's losing moment.

i was told that i looked better in pictures when i share the limelight with a friend and not when i'm alone. my solo pictures only portrayed how uncomfortable and empty i felt during my solos... the natural confidence i possessed is almost immediately drained out by the lens before me... and i believe in it too.

so isnt it surprising that the picture above is my favourite picture...
bt y wudnt it be?
eyes closed and only the sound of the wave hitting my feet... this picture captured my moment of serenity.

and like all art, constant training will only make one a great artiste but it is talent and skills that makes an artiste immortal... always remembered through his work of art!
i believe both edwin and shen have that talent to bring them really far...

Interested to have your serene moments captured? contact Shen Yeo (click me)
or Edwin Lay (click me)

5 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

Wow Wow Wow ~~ All of you look great in the pics !! Envy the 8 of you.. hehehe... Love the way you mentioned bout each pic shown in this entry :)

Anonymous said...

wow! impressive!

Anonymous said...

i have too much flesh grraaaaah!

aaronparan said...

ooh. ooh. :)

phyl said...

ahlost: hey thx 4 droppin by again! n thx 4 d compliments! bt seriously kudos 2 d 2 photographers...

kehvin: heh... impressed wif d photographers or d *ahem* models

sam: nt s muc s me....

aaron: aah. ahh. ;)


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