seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

phyl's eco tour

Jun 18

allow me to defend myself... i'm not turning into a bummer like most would have thought. in fact, yesterday i tried my luck in a little bit of tourism. i was a tour guide to three local 'tourist'. i called my tour... ECO TOUR, emphasizing on ECOLOGY and at the same time trying to be ECONOMICAL. Eco Tour is a day tour that encourages preservation and admiration of mother nature in a more relaxing way.
below is a chronology of events on how 'successful' the tour went.

0715 hours BREAKFAST
location: Kasuma Resort Block C

we called this agenda, 'Breakfast by the Window Pane'. what is more relaxing than enjoying your breakfast being six levels up above ground that enables one to enjoy the scenic below and the santubong mountain upfront.

breakfast was complimentary of the tour guide's family and on the menu were big apple donuts...

and sweet potatoes. we needed all the carbs we can get for the day ahead.

0815 hours Morning Stroll
Location: Public Golf Course

by 8.15am, Eco Tour reached its first destination of the day. A public golf course that was less than five minutes away. it's best to start the day with an early morning walk and no air is fresher than the air on a golf course.

lake filled with beautiful pink water lilies... mother nature at its best.

not at its best was the mood of the gardeners.
admiration of mother nature was short lived when the gardeners actually shoo-ed us off.
we stormed off unhappily too.

0830 hours Fish Feeding Session
Location: Kasuma Resort Lake

Next on the list was the fish feeding session. u dont need cookies and bread to be thrown first to see hundreds of little fishes swimmin to you... just the sound of footsteps were enough. the fishes in kasuma lake are either really friendly or effing hungry.

0900 hours Supplies and Gas
Location: Petronas Semariang

being economical, Eco Tour doesnt use a tour bus like most tour does. instead, it is far more economical to use a 1k CC manual car as transportation. we made a little pit stop at the gas station to get gas for the car and some snacks for the beach which was one of the agendas along the list.

0920-0945 hours Super Early Brunch
Location: McDonald's

so off we went to the beach but not before a quick stop at our old buddy mcD's. nothing can go wrong with a mcD's breakfast. NOTHING. with our hash browns, sausage mcmuffin and our ice cold milo, we were good to go...

and have some sun on our skin!!!!

1014 hours Halfway to Damai
Location: Santubong Bridge

if you hold your breath from one end of the bridge to the other end, the wish you make will come true.
1015 hours Beach
Location: Permai Beach

let me introduce my tourists btw: (l-r) abby, gwyn and yien.
we finally reach permai beach at 10.15 am. entrance fee is only four ringgit if you have your student card with you. if not, it's five for adults.
everyone was excited to see the beach... gwyn the most!!!

1100hours - 1445hours Free and Easy
Location: Permai Beach

we started the day free and easy.
lotsa soaking in the water... jogging on hot sand...

and of course getting that TAN done!

1200 - 1300 hours Kayaking
Location: Permai Beach

next on the agenda was KAYAKING...
20 ringgit per hour for a kayak.

we decided to have a little race. yien teamed up with abby against me and gwyn.
the yien-abby team was far more organised than me-gwyn. they worked together, coordinated well and were stronger.

unlike them, the both of us spent most of our time goofing around, laughin at our own silly jokes and never gotten near to anyway.
the race was like from a scene you see in a family movie, where the yien-abby team would be the champion family, all prim and proper while the phyl-gwyn team was the dysfunctional family who bicker, fight and do goofing things that brought them no way.

in the end, we were not only tired from the paddling but also from our own silly laughter.

1700 hours Dog-Walk
Location: Kasuma Resort
Dog: of Shih-Tzu and Pekingese Mix (Perkitzu) named Bubbles

we reached home around 3pm and decided to rest for a while before the next agenda.
by 5pm, we brought bubbles out for a walk along kasuma lake.

1800 hours Dinner
Location: Sarawak Golf Club (KGS)

like breakfast, Eco Tour provided the last meal of the day too.
staying strict to the concept, venue of the dinner was at Sarawak Golf Club.

delicious ice jelly for drinks.

spicy bbq chicken for starters.

and fried noodles hk style as main course.

1900 hours Ride Back Home

after dinner, it was time to say goodbye. Eco Tour provided the all the way back to your doorsteps kinda ride back home. and as gwyn and the tour leader went to grab Eco Tour 'Car', yien and abby showed their sentiments about the entire tour through self taken photographs.

hmm... i suppose they really enjoyed the trip...
wad do u think?

5 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

looking at ur food pics? i can't tahan la wanna keep fit for sunday cos have to wear bikini :/ aiyO. gonna starve or something.

that kind of company with peeps u kinda grew up with is definitely different yea. things u talk about will also be different. in a very nostalgic way. cheers to the good times.

phyl said...

haha... d food was great...
starve!??!?! u'r skinny enuff!!!!


CreativeBitchin said...

phyllllllllllllllllllllll i misssssssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... i wanna go out with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... my exams over liawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww very boredddddddddddddddddddddd...

CreativeBitchin said...

plus i'm STILL holding your brolly hostage eh

phyl said...

we'll meeet wen am back ok... goin kl on sun... comin back on wed!
jo jus called... said she n alin plan to go shoppin, watch a movie n den haf dinner together mayb nex sat!!!! u can join us!!!!

plus... i wan my brollly back! heh!


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