seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

i miss mummy n daddy

Feb 02

i miss the joyous atmosphere you feel on festive seasons...
with your closest friends and family visiting you galore...

i miss seeing red...
on the walls, on almost every child and adult
and on that lil rectangular packet that comes with money...

i miss the overplayed chinese new year songs...
even the chinese new year jingles that i used to find so irritating,

i miss all d cny goodies n the never ending big reunion dinners...
stupid me for throwing a hissy-fit
just for putting on the extra weight last year...

i miss them all...
and i think i'm losing my identity...
chinese new year is the only time a banana like me feels more chinese than ever.

this year has been far too quiet for me.
just a bowl of mee sua...
to keep me happy...

it tasted sooo much like home though
and with the warmth of the soup and great company for the night
it was enough to keep us warm during a cold winter night.

(yoko ono exhibition in Baltic Contemporary Art Musuem... a wall dedicated to mums
with me sticking my masterpiece...)

bt chinese new year is all bout family reunion...
funny... cuz mine's really fuckd up then.
mum n dad in singapore, sis in japan
and me in newcastle...

(my masterpiece... and of course i love daddy too)

i guess it took me 6517.95 air miles
for me to realise that...
chinese new year isnt bout the amount of money you receive in a red packet...
or the new clothes your wearing
or even all the glorious food
it's about being with your family...

oh boy...
i miss them lots.

5 gaps filled:

Cindy Khor said...

me too... i miss chinese new year mood and all... i mean being in uk celebrating new year is definitely not the way to start a year... was bored at home, watching away movies... but i do hope that we could brace ourselves for more tough years ahead (being alone here i mean) so hang in there gal...

M said...

Cheer up girl,

Realisation followed by positive action is always the best way. So, start saving up some money and get mummy and daddy a homecoming present.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they are missing you loads too. I know I do! :)


phyl said...

cindy: yeah... just a lil emo wen i posted dat post. last sunday, newcastle chinatown organized some chinese new year festivity... so it was great hearing the drums n d loud firecrackers... i had dim sum 4 breakfast... was nice.

emeric: wah... expensive ah!!!! i might nt b back til 2010 tho... am gonna do my LPC here...

shell: i miss u too...

Anonymous said...


CNY is over.. Hope you're feeling better ;)

I want that bowl of mee sua but without meat one lar :D


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