seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

quick updates frm an accident-prone

Jan 25

i've been extremely busy since posting my last entry...
i had eva over frm the 17th-21st in between a packed timetable with an assignment due on the 23rd...
and in true phyllis fashion, i managed it all bein an accident prone like i always do..

like knockin off my glass n spilling water onto my books,
tripping n almost breaking my ankle (thank god no one saw dat!),
lost 1 pound found it n lost it again,
wasted 3 cds burning the wrong data,
burning myself wif an iron while ironing *alamak...

am pretty sure dat'll scar me 4 life...

and almost popped a blood vessel trying to blow eva's mattress up!
i hate being clumsy... i really do!

p/s: btw the length of my hair now is just above the shoulders... the ah lian dye is gone... all gone...
oh n totally random... eva thinks i'm vain... pfft! wad is dat?

oh and...
happy chinese new year!
(my first cny away frm home... sobsssss)

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