seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

chinky- chink - chink

Aug 01

miss nurulle asked me once in class after careful observations of a fellow course mate originally from china...

'how come chinese people from china look different from malaysian chinese like you people... they haf higher bridge and sharper nose when your nose is just flat and round?'

she caught me offguard and the gazillion brain cells in my head just couldnt process a good enuff answer. i replied something gibberish and i could tell nurul was left wif an unsatisfying answer... but you haf to excuse nurul's prone to melodrama that being part of her elaborately constructed persona...

i've gotten used to it over the year knowing her as a coursemate and a friend... i should be thanking my lucky stars she didnt notice china man's defining jaw line and high cheekbones as opposed to mine...

nurul's ego-crushing question however left me pondering back to the time when sam helped me with some online generator that analyses one's facial features...

surprise surprise surprise...
how did i ended up with 34% South East Asian when i'm constantly being referred to as being overly 'chinky'... irene being the last person to mention it to me and that was last friday!
south east asian?!?!?! must be the nose... my bulb liked nose...

however there's no history of intermarriages between my chinese ancestors and any indigenous people of borneo who are of austronesian decent... and from what i know, i'm 100% pure chinese!
so my flat bulb like nose must be the effect of the environment surrounding me...

so my answer to you nurul, though 4 months late is...
geography plays a big role in making the nose of a malaysian chinese lk moi awfully round, huge and flat!

environment is also the major factor why i'm slowly losing my chinese roots. i believe in a long run, what remains oriental in me are my chinky eyes and my last three given names... and oh of course... the nose!

p/s: oh btw... wtf...BLINDNESS!!!! kirsten dunst as celebrity match... i dun even effing lk d girl :(

9 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

i believe this is your 2nd post about your nose. a lil' obsessed 'bout it ey.

miss nurulle said...

i hv a perfect gift for ur bday. a nose job! lol!!

phyl said...

kehv: yeah i guess so too.... remember u likin my cute button nose rite... :D

nurul: wow!!!!! a nose job.... WOW!!!! yes yes... i wan... i wan... itulah saya paling sayang nurul... :p

Anonymous said...

muahahahahaa go tthe nerve.. 'china man' HOI! thank God he doesn't blog surf i think. does he? LOOOOL

phyl said...

he's china man bcuz i 4gt his name suddenly... heh...
n no i dun tink he blog surfs...

CreativeBitchin said...

what face analyzing site you used? i wanna go do mine again...

ahlost said...

"chinaman"? KY ah? or there's another chinaman.. *LOL*

phyl said...

irene: try faceanaylzer.com

ahlost: KY? who's dat????

Anonymous said...

chen jie. yea that's his name LOL. he's getting a fb account soon.


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