seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

and the darkness comes again when i try to recapture the moment... - I Capture The Castle

Jul 17

attention all bibliophiles (eva) and bookworms (irene)...

... a show of hand if you love reading in bed!!!!

i mean why wudnt you...
the soft mattress pressing against your back, the pillow supporting your head, your legs resting under your warm comforter and your hands holding onto the book that brings you to places despite resting in bed immobile.

only setback is, the bad lighting.
my love for midnight fantasies is the main contributor to my increasing astigmatism.
and because of that, reading classic books is now a problem because of their famous puny fonts that the nightlight at the side of my bed is losing its efficiency.

last week, i found my saviour...

a clip reading light.

boy i'll kiss the fella who invented this on the lips! wad a genius!
compact in size...
has a convenient gooseneck that turns 360 degree...
and has a white LED that lasts up to 100,000 hours!!!

so with this mini reading light...

i can now lie on my front and rest my tired back w/o worrying that my big frame is blocking the light from behind...

and for times when i wan to let my overactive imagination run amok, i can hide under my blanket and not worry about the darkness...


clip reading light can be found in You've Got Gift, Green Heights Mall 1st Floor.

4 gaps filled:

ahlost said...

Owh.. I need one too.. How much does it cost?

phyl said...

it's reasonable at RM19.90 :)
free batteries (3 summo)

CreativeBitchin said...

oh yeah, i saw this and almost bought it! anyway bila you ada masa go eat tomato kiaw? or drive to serikin?

(wtf that previous sentence was so rojak LOL)

phyl said...

well i brought u out jus now...
nex month... u'r bringin me 2 d tomato kiaw plc!


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