seeing the name on the 1st class honours list... and that name belonged to me... i thought i'm truly blessed

pearl the landlord, the bad cop.

Jul 25

move over abigail breslin, move over dakota fanning... there's a new actress in town!

Her name is Pearl Eden and she's here to stay... well mayb 4 a while...
issit even humanly possible for a 4 yr old to be able to know the words evicted and confession and pronounce the words asshole and bitch so very welllll.... dat's talent people... T-A-L-E-N-T!!!!

here's pearl as a meanie alcoholic landlady...

here's pearl as the abusive bad cop!!!

3 gaps filled:

Anonymous said...

She's sho cute !!

Anonymous said...

omg the last performance of baby pearl?! nooo way! why?!! as in why retire?

phyl said...

ahlost: yeah i noe rite... it makes me feel lk teachin my 4yr old kid (in future) to say the words bitch n asshole... o punk! so cuteee....

sam: yeah... i noe... bt prolly her mum thinks enuff fun... dun wan2 corrupt her lil innocent daughter's mind... bt i lk it wen she said hello punk! sooo cuteeee


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